Effective Communication: Building Strong Relationships with Association Members

A group of professionals standing in a circle in a office space, symbolizing the importance of effective communication among community association members.

Introduction Strong relationships are essential for any organization, and this is especially true for community associations. Effective communication is the key to building strong relationships with association members. It’s important to focus on creating an open line of communication between members and the board, so that everyone is on the same page and working towards … Read more

Create Professional and Comprehensive Official Documents for Community Associations

A man seated at a table in a comfortably lit room, with one hand on laptop keyboard and one hand with pen writing on paper symbolizing the creating of professional documents for community associations.

When it comes to running a community associations, creating and maintaining official documents is essential. With the right documents, a community association can function with clarity, efficiency, and transparency. In this article, we will discuss why creating professional and comprehensive official documents is so important for community associations.  What are Official Documents? Official documents are … Read more

The Art of Meeting Minutes: Accurate and Actionable Minute Taking

Cropped image of a woman holding a pencil doing meeting minutes

When it comes to capturing accurate and actionable meeting minutes, community associations have a special responsibility to make sure that all their meetings are captured properly. It all boils down to the most effective way of minute taking In this blog, we’ll discuss the importance of taking meeting minutes and the best practices for taking … Read more