Vendor Coordination


Especially when it comes to vendor coordination.

What do you mean by
Vendor Coordination

Vendor coordination is a complex process involving vendor selection and management. It typically includes researching and sourcing vendors. Then requesting and evaluating quotes. Followed by assessing capabilities, negotiating contracts, making payments. And above all ensuring everything is completed properly.

Obtain Competitive Bids

We obtain competitive bids on vendors for the board to review. For cost efficiency reasons, we also work with a multitude of vendors to get multiple quotes depending on the project. Then, quotes are reviewed with the board to make a decision on which vendor to move forward with.

Why is vendor evaluation important for a company?

By choosing the right vendor, your company will get a trusted business partner that treats the property with the highest level of service. Choosing the wrong vendor may result in delays, poor workmanship, or worst case not completing the job at all. It can even break the workflow of various teams or even the process of the entire organization. The evaluation of a vendor is crucial.

The main reasons why vendor assessment should be a top priority for your organization include the following:

Risk Mitigation

The vendor evaluation process helps
you identify vulnerabilities before
starting the project. So you can take
the necessary steps to mitigate
them or choose a
vendor partner.

Cost Reduction

Avoiding financial issues around
vendors’poor service and delivery as
well as early detection of ‘hidden
costs’ may save you a good amount
of money

Quality Growth

Choosing a vendor who has a deep
understanding of your industry or
domain and extensive expertise in
specific areas you are working in
helps you get a more productive
service, or high-quality result.


Well-established relations with a vendor fosters communication, collaboration, and transparency.

These are vital when it comes to achieving the best results for the association and the owners.